Let it go

Thinking about the opportunity to reach more people with a message as a creative person. I've been intrigued by Andrew Peterson and his latest song "Is He Worthy?" and the reach that it has gotten and I believe it will continue to get.

Andrew Peterson have a great following of listeners, and readers as well, but he's definitely not a mainstream artist and I don't know that he desires to be. My main point is to express something I admire in this artist as he's released a song that has resonated deeply with so many people in "Is He Worthy?". He has created something beautiful and then let it go for many others to also recreate it musically that it can reach even more people.

Specifically, Chris Tomlin, a friend of his and artist with a huge following, asked him very soon after this song was released if he could put the song on his new album. Many of his fans expressed concern over Andrew's song being recorded by another artist and here was his response.

"I was immediately thrilled that he wanted to cover “Is He Worthy?” People (including me) cover other people’s songs all the time, and it’s about the highest compliment one songwriter can pay another. When a songwriter has a platform like Chris’s, it’s an even bigger thrill."

He went on to say, "Here’s the biggest thing I want to say. Imagine with me for a moment. If I asked God to let me write and sing about him twenty five years ago, and much of my music has been about trying to draw people’s hearts towards the beauty of Jesus and the Gospel, and a friend of mine texted one day and said, “I want to help one of these songs reach as many people as possible,” and then the song was a hit and millions of people sang it to worship the King, and most of the world came to think of that song as the OTHER guy’s song, and I resented that even a little bit–then, folks, my whole career would be one giant exercise in missing the point. Sure, you have to do some self-promotion, but the whole time you’re hoping the work takes on a life of its own and exists outside of the artist’s sphere. You want the kids to grow up and move out of the house, so to speak. When you sing “It Is Well With My Soul,” you aren’t usually thinking about Horatio Spafford and the tragedy that led to those gorgeous words. I think we’d all agree that the hymn has transcended the hymn-writer. It isn’t his song anymore, it’s the church’s. And for a song like “Is He Worthy?” that’s exactly what I want.

So, while i understand the range of emotions you guys have expressed over this, it’s really simple. I wrote a song about Jesus. I want lots of people to sing it to him. Chris is helping that happen. And if more folks discover my other songs in the process, and I get to keep making more music, then awesome. I’ll take it."

So, when you're tempted to get all up in arms because somebody wants to use something you've created, take it as a huge compliment, send it out into the world and let it go.

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