
I asked my daughter this morning what the best part of her day was yesterday was and she replied, "Going to the library." I asked then asked her what was the best part about going to the library and she said, "Getting the new books and the new CD."

I had a similar thought yesterday morning about newness as I was driving in to the office yesterday. Not necessarily the best part of my day, but I was also enjoying something new in listening the new music releases that had just come out that morning.

There's something about things being "new" to us, whether it's a book, music, movie, clothing, restaurant, destination, etc that brings excitement. There's an aspect of unknown to it, even if we've read the reviews or heard someone talk about it, it's not the same as actually experiencing that newness for the first time. I don't know if everyone is like this, but I think most of us have at least some of this wired in us.

I also believe that this desire for more of new will never be satisfied until we are in eternity. I wonder if this insatiable desire for newness is really something in our hearts longs for God's kingdom to come where all will be new and we will live forever.

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