Power of 3
There's a reason why phone numbers are grouped in 3 clusters. There's a reason why an area code is made up of 3 digits. There are primary colors. There's a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Olympics that get medals. There's a small, medium and large option at most restaurants.
We like the number 3. We like information, but only so much or it begins to paralyze us. It's fairly easy to get people to remember 3 things together, but once you go to 4 it gets a little harder and once you go to 5 it's almost impossible.
As I think about communication moving forward, organizing the steps I want someone to remember into no more than 3 parts is going to be something I need to challenge myself with. It's a good exercise with proven results.
We like the number 3. We like information, but only so much or it begins to paralyze us. It's fairly easy to get people to remember 3 things together, but once you go to 4 it gets a little harder and once you go to 5 it's almost impossible.
As I think about communication moving forward, organizing the steps I want someone to remember into no more than 3 parts is going to be something I need to challenge myself with. It's a good exercise with proven results.