Air fryers THE big kitchen gadget for Christmas

What is it about air fryers that has made them THE big kitchen gadget for Christmas the last 2 years?

I think there's a few things. One it saves cooking time. Two it saves time cooking greasy good food that otherwise you would have to cook in a deep fryer, pan, or oven. Three it feels healthier because you use less oil with a similar result. Four I think some of the allure is even in the name "air" fryer. It sounds like I'm making a healthy choice using air to fry my food instead of a bunch of grease.

In the end this gadget will probably go the way of other kitchen gadgets and be part of everyone's garage sale, like the George Foreman grill. But for now it appeals to some "real" needs that people have; cooking fried food fast with "air" instead of lots of oil, making you feel like you're making a healthier choice.

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