Everbody's Auto-Tuning

I had no idea until about a month ago when I first heard about this technology that the majority of the music industry uses a technology called Auto-Tune to make sure they have perfect pitch both in recording as well as in concert.

It's a technology that's taken a lot of heat, but sounds like it's here to stay. Auto-Tune is an algorithm, invented by Andy Hildebrand, a geophysicist. It basically takes the pitches of a singer or guitar and finds the nearest perfect pitches and corrects it, even in concert as the musician is singing or playing. Which brings up the question of how good are the artists today really? Do they actually have a good voice or do they just know how to use Auto-Tune really well? Artist are saying that Auto-Tune has become the Photoshop of the music industry.

Some artists are calling for honesty in live shows with a campaign called, "Live Means Live", so the audience knows there's no Auto-Tuning happening.

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