I'm thankful for...

Today as we celebrate Thanksgiving I want to just spend time reflecting on all I'm thankful for. It's an exercise that I should do more and helps get my heart in the right place.

I'm thankful for...

warmth of a home
clothes to wear
freedom to worship God
freedom to share ideas
my kids
my wife
loving parents
Precision Planting
Bethany Baptist church
food in our fridge
grocery stores that have all kinds of food available
lights to turn on when it's dark
cars to go places
my kids when they snuggle with me
doctors that can help diagnose sickness
coffee in the morning
ability to read and write
clean water
garbage services
restrooms that get rid of my waste
photos that can capture moments I might otherwise forget
friends that keep in touch over years
people that challenge me
musicians that continue to make good music
those that write stories and create movies
shoes that protect my feet
toothbrushes and floss to keep teeth healthy
glasses and contacts so I can see
a bed for rest

What are you thankful for?

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