Personalization is powerful

The general manager of our company, Justin Kauffman stopped by my desk yesterday and showed me a new book he purchased. It was Seth Godin's new book "This is Marketing." He then proceeded to open up the book cover and show me the inside of the cover. It was covered with a couple hundred portraits of individuals and smack dab in the dead center of all of the images was our general manager's portrait!

"Can you believe it?" he exclaimed. I was floored. We talked about how that could have happened. Was it a marketing tactic where anyone that pre-ordered the book was smack dab in the center of the inside of the book cover? He then went on to tell me that after seeing it he made a trip to Barnes & Noble to check the inside of another book cover to see if it was more than his book copy that had his picture in it. Sure enough, his portrait was in the same place in the book covers at Barnes & Noble as well. Then he remembered sharing a photo of himself after taking a Seth Godin online class and giving permission to use his portrait if they wanted to use it.

Personalization is powerful. It created a story that was shareable. It opened up questions as to how did my face get there? It actually got Justin to make a special trip to Barnes & Noble to check the inside of another book cover. It got me to say, "That is awesome."

Nice job Seth.

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