Music and lights synced

I stopped by the house on Main Street in Morton that has lights synced to music for the second time on our way home from my in-laws. I had both of our kids with me and they loved it. Well... I did too.

Just as much as the lights, was the music they chose, that made it fun for our kids to watch. They had "Baby Shark" and "The Greatest Show" as part of the playlist which both of my kids know. What is it about lights being synchronized to music that is so mesmerizing? I think what's so impressive about this house is that somehow all of the LEDs actually create a giant screen that they at times have moving pictures on.

It's about 20 minutes and as long as your kids aren't in a crabby mood or super tired I think they'll sit through it... or you can always drive away if it gets too long.

I've only seen two of these types of house light shows in my life, but this is my top pick.

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