Be content

Do I really need that new phone? Do I need a newer kitchen? What about a newer TV? Or maybe a little bit better smart speaker. This list could just keep going on. There's always something that someone else has or that I see advertised that I think would be great to have. But the question is do I need it or do I just want it? What is going to happen after I get it? How long will that high of having that thing last until there is something else that captures my attention?

I need contentment in this world. I don't need everything right now, even if I can get it and could afford it. I need Jesus each day. He is the only one who will truly satisfy my desire for shiny new things.

I'm thankful for a wife who does not need the newest things. Who is content with an iPhone 5 even though she really needs to upgrade soon! I'm thankful that she thinks about the cost of something new versus what we already have. I'm thankful that she questions why do we really need that and instead says how could we instead use what God has given us to help others and give back to Him.

So next time you think I need that new thing. Just stop for a second and ask why. It may be a real need or it may just collect dust in a month.

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