Have you ever been stuck?

Have you ever been physically stuck? I mean you can't move forward, backward, up or down. You don't have the physical strength to get yourself unstuck.

This happened to me this past weekend. The thing was I also had plenty of people that could have helped me, but they couldn't get to where I was.

My brother-in-law was helping me move a refrigerator from the basement to the first floor and this fridge was old and heavy. We made it all the way up to the top steps with me holding the top end and him holding the bottom end. My wife, sister, and kids were all down in the basement. Once we got to the top I realized I needed to move my hands so they didn't get smashed in the door frame, but in moving them and shifting weight around I ended up going down on the landing and getting one of my legs caught under the fridge.

I was stuck! My strength was zapped and I couldn't get myself in a position to lift the fridge so I could get my leg out. Plus, my brother-in-law was on the other end of the fridge still holding a lot of the weight unsure of what to do so he didn't smash my leg more.

I was able to move my leg enough to get all but my ankle and foot out from under the fridge. And somehow I was able to with the right half of my body lift the fridge up and get my footing again. But, that feeling of being stuck was scary with no one to help. Adrenaline was kicking in I'm sure because I don't know how long I would have been able to stay like that and my brother-in-law too. In reality, I wasn't truly stuck, but it really felt like it. Thankful that God gives us the physical ability many times to do more than we might think our bodies can.

I don't think I'm going to be moving any more refrigerators in the near future. Two this past weekend was enough for a while.

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