How do you support music?
The median income for the U.S. is $3,714 per month. For a musician to get this kind of income from streaming music services alone they would need to get at least 474,330 plays per month. If they're mainly reliant upon Spotify for their streaming income it may look more like 935,516 plays per month. It's hard to get a feel for what the average amount of plays is per month on a streaming service, but these plays per month numbers seem big and takes a lot of .007s to make the median income, plus you've got band members as well.
I think my main takeaway from this is to support artists I enjoy in tangible ways if I want them to keep making music. They're not going to make a living by me listening to Spotify or Amazon even if I listen to them a lot. But they will make a living if I go to their concert or buy a physical album or some other merch or support them more directly.
Per-stream pay by music service for 2018
Apple Music $0.00783
Amazon $0.0074
Google Play $0.00611
Spotify $0.00397
Pandora $0.00134
All information from Trichordist 2018
What Streaming Music Services Pay (2018)
I think my main takeaway from this is to support artists I enjoy in tangible ways if I want them to keep making music. They're not going to make a living by me listening to Spotify or Amazon even if I listen to them a lot. But they will make a living if I go to their concert or buy a physical album or some other merch or support them more directly.
Per-stream pay by music service for 2018
Apple Music $0.00783
Amazon $0.0074
Google Play $0.00611
Spotify $0.00397
Pandora $0.00134
All information from Trichordist 2018
What Streaming Music Services Pay (2018)