1 more hour... or even 30 minutes

What would you do if you could give yourself one more hour every day? Is that even possible?

I wrote a blog post a while back about sleeping. How the recommended amount is 8 hours. I typically get about that much sleep. I wonder if I could get by with one less hour. But if I slept one less hour and gave myself 7 more hours per week what would I do with it. Even if it was 30 more minutes a day... that's 3.5 (I'm really good at math).

Would you just watch one more show on Netflix or scroll for another 30 minutes on your favorite social media app? Would you consume or would you create?

I'm not sure what I would do with a little more time. Right now I feel like by the time I'm able to do something, i.e. the kids are sleeping, I'm ready to do the same. And with getting ready to move to a new house there's plenty going on with that to stay busy.

A few things I am interested in pursuing though are writing and illustrating a kids book, getting an exercise routine down, and investing more in my family.

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