3 am why?

I'm not happy right now. It is is 6 am and my son decided to get up at 3 am and not go back to sleep.

I maybe got 30 minutes of sleep on the couch after he got in our bed and then he decided to come downstairs at 5 am. For the last hour, he has pulled all of the toys out and they are now all over the floor. I'm guessing the high of being up so early is going to wear off soon and he will crash. I just hope he's good for my wife this morning when I leave for work. Less sleep is not usually a good thing for our kids.

But why do they wake at these weird times and just won't go back to sleep? I guess it happens to us adults too, it's just that I don't cry because I need my doggie or decide to pull all the toys out of the toy boxes when I can't sleep. I need to be thankful because right now at least he's being quiet... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I better go check on him!

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