The right tool

The right tool can save you time, pain, and get the job done.

There are many ways to get a job done, but not all of them are as efficient. Depending on what tool you choose to use and how good you are at using it the job may take you a day or a few days. Also, depending on if you have the right tool for the job you may end up actually physically hurting yourself as I did yesterday. I had a good tool, but I should have had someone else helping me hold the cabinets as I was taking them down in the garage. I lost my balance and one come down on me. No serious injuries, just smashed a finger a little.

How do you know though if you have the right tool? Just assume? I would say ask someone you think is an expert. Or in the age we live in ask YouTube (the expert). There are so many resources out there now there's really not an excuse for wasting a lot of time using the wrong tool when the right one exists and there are people and ways to get answers on how to use the tools that are easily accessible.

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