What am I looking for?

I'm getting ready to travel to Louisville for a day to attend a large agriculture trade show. So, why am I going? What am I looking for?

If I go looking to see a lot of new visual marketing ideas I think I'll be disappointed. Agriculture isn't known for being on the bleeding edge of marketing. But, if I go looking for experiences and conversations, trying to get the feeling that a farmer may get from different exhibits I think it's a win for me.

Asking myself normal things like. How much time did this exercise take that the company wanted me to participate in? Why did they want me to do it? What kind of questions are they asking me? Do I know who to talk to if I have questions? Is there anything unique here? Why do I care? Are employees engaging with me or ignoring me? Why? What's my first impression when walking up to a booth space?

Hoping to learn.

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