Back seat surprise

Easter morning. We're all ready for church and planning to be there on time. We get within about 5 minutes of church and as I'm looking in the rearview mirror I see my son begin to spew all over himself in his car seat.

Well, we didn't make it to church on time. Had to make a pit stop at the gas station for a car seat clean out and an outfit change. I'm sure we were entertaining to watch as my wife held Baer with no pants on and I pulled the car seat and began wiping everything down with wipes.

Eventually, an older lady came by and offered me a pack wet wipes which I gladly accepted. She said it looked like I could use a few extra! I'm thankful for people that are willing to step out of their comfort zone and offer a little help. You never know what a few wipes could do for somebody's day. We ended up making it to church, but my son and I didn't make it into the service.

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