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Last night we went through our old house one more time to pack up the things that were still left there. I've been living in that house since 2012. Longer than I've lived anywhere else since living with my parents in Kentucky.
It was bittersweet. We had a wonderful block we lived on with some really sweet neighbors. Tom and Laura Wallenfang and Josh and Rachel Carlson have been great neighbors and our kids have enjoyed playing with their kids.
It's a surreal feeling when you leave a house you've been in a for a while and you walk through it for the last time with nothing left in it, when there have been so many memories made in it. And the person moving into the house has no idea of any of those memories. The only memory the new person has is that of liking the home the few times they've walked through it.
It was bittersweet. We had a wonderful block we lived on with some really sweet neighbors. Tom and Laura Wallenfang and Josh and Rachel Carlson have been great neighbors and our kids have enjoyed playing with their kids.
It's a surreal feeling when you leave a house you've been in a for a while and you walk through it for the last time with nothing left in it, when there have been so many memories made in it. And the person moving into the house has no idea of any of those memories. The only memory the new person has is that of liking the home the few times they've walked through it.