Marco Polo app

Marco? Polo.

I remember this game as a kid on the swim team, but I just learned in the last couple days that there's an app called Marco Polo and it's actually one I could see myself using. I'm not sure exactly how yet, but it's pretty fun.

My brother-in-law asked us to join a group for their family and so far it's pretty random. Like my father-in-law saying things like, "I don't really get this thing." and, "I think I'm getting the hang of this now." But the idea of a video walkie-talkie is pretty cool.

I could see setting up small groups to keep people informed could be really valuable. Not sure if it's designed in a way that a business could use it or not since you have to have a phone or email address in order to ask someone to join and then that person has to install the app on their phone.

Marco Polo app

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