Sleep deprivation solution

We're about ready to have our third kid in 5 weeks or so. I'm starting to mentally prepare myself for getting less sleep again. But, wouldn't it be nice if the baby would just sleep through the night, or at least 6 hours or so?

I stumbled across this product called the snoo a few weeks ago, which is a bassinette with some high tech built into that sense if your child is crying and begins rocking and making white noise in order to calm the baby and get the baby back to sleep. It sounds like it works really well from the reviews I've read. The biggest barrier is probably cost. The cost to buy one is $1295, but you can also rent them for about $98 a month ($3 a day). If snoo would move a new baby from not sleeping to actually sleeping for 6 to 8 hours I think it would totally be worth the rental cost.

I like how this company has latched onto a real problem for parents with a new baby. Sleep. It's a real problem and they have a solution.

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