More rain on the way

I never really paid much attention to the rain in spring until I started working in agriculture. Now it's something I hear about almost daily during the springtime.

And this year in the midwest our farmers can't seem to catch a break. In Illinois, 11% of corn acres have been planted as of May 12th. The average by this time over the last 5 years was 82% in Illinois! I've seen very few planters running and it's May 17th. Yesterday was the first day I saw any planters running around where I live. It's going to be a tough season. And there's more rain on the way this weekend... so I'm not sure how many guys are going to be able to get much in if they can before these rains hit.

This year more than ever do I see the value in being able to go as fast as possible as soon as the conditions are right. The planting window of time is extremely small and we've got a long ways to go.

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