The waiting...

It's 6:30 AM and we've been in the hospital for about 12 hours so far. We came in to be induced and we're progressing along, but we're still waiting. And we're getting ready to have an epidural. It's tough as the husband because you feel like there's not much you can really do except sit and watch your wife be in pain and in our case in the past at least, slowly dilate.

Well, we didn't have to wait over 30 hours this time. Baby Mac Benjamin Neukomm was born at 11 AM today. He weighed 8 lbs 14 oz. One of the pediatricians that checked him out this afternoon said, "He's perfect." I couldn't agree more. It is amazing how many things could go wrong in the development of a baby and in the delivery. We're thankful that as far as we can tell he is healthy and mom is too! This was our first experience where our baby got to stay with us after the delivery and it's awesome.

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