BIG weekend

This weekend feels really big for us.

I took the kids to the Tremont Turkey Festival yesterday for breakfast and we stuck around for a couple hours to get faces painted and to watch Julie K. Then last night I took the kids to the circus at the Peoria Civic Center and we didn't get home until about 9:30. Today, we're getting ready to head to church in a little bit and then we're going to be in the Tremont Turkey Festival parade... so no naps today. We'll see how the kids do today.

Last night I was impressed with how well our kids did in staying in their seats to watch the circus. They stayed still for 2 and a half hours, with a short intermission! I feel like that's good for a 2 and a 4 yeard old. I'm glad too because I was outnumbered it was just me and the kids.

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