She jumped

We've had our third swimming lesson and after the second one, my daughter said no to jumping off the diving board. I wasn't surprised. I figured it would be a while until she decided she would jump.

But, yesterday we got there early and I had her and my son just climb up the ladder on the diving board and stand at the back. Then I told Josie, "You can do it." and offered her some fruit snacks if she jumped this time after swim lessons. My son and I both didn't think she would and she told us she wasn't gonna do it. But then her teacher asked her if she wanted to and she said she would and she jumped!

It was a proud moment for me. I figured we'd be waiting until the end of swim lessons at least.

There's something good about doing things in a group where there's some pressure to perform I believe. To see others doing something and thinking hey maybe I can do that too. I could teach my kids to swim on their own, but I believe at least in the beginning for them being in a group with a teacher is good for them.

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