The cold call

I get a few cold calls most days at the office and typically I let them give their initial ask and then I decline and say I'm not interested. Many times it's because the company that chose to do this hired someone who speaks very poor english for an American to understand. The other reason I decline is due to the ask being trying to get our company to sponsor a high school athletic event. In both cases, you may say that's a poor excuse to decline to talk further, but when you get a couple a day and you've declined before you may start to understand why.

So, when do I keep the conversation going? Typically it's when I can tell the person on the other end has done their homework and they ask about what I'm doing or what my needs are. They at least seem to genuinely care (whether they do or not) and they've made the call about me, not the ad they want to sell or the email they want to send me.

There's a big difference. One call I'm willing to entertain and hopefully learn from, the other I truly feel like a pawn to make their company more money. So, if you ever call me don't ask me to place an ad and talk about how great your book is or tell me how great your white paper is if I'll just give me your email. I want to know you care about me and my business.

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