Keeping that physical connection

I'm bad about it. My wife is way better at it.

What is it?

Keeping that connection with people where you meet up in "real life" with them. For that matter, even the texts or phone calls to friends I don't do a good job with.

One of our friends from Peoria now lives in Pheonix and he and his wife are in town for a few days over the 4th of July. My wife has done a great job in coordinating a get-together with them and some of our other friends this morning for a little brunch. If it was up to me I don't know if it would have happened or not.

I'm thankful for a wife that is good at staying connected with people and it's something I pray God will keep working on me in to think more about other people and how I can stay connected with them. Not for myself... so I have friends... so much as just because He has worked in me to care more about others than just about me.

When I have spare time. I rarely think things like, "Who haven't I talked to in a while?" I more often think, "What do I need to do?"

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