New shoes

My daughter got some new shoes yesterday. And all she wants to do is where them anywhere she goes now. In the house and outside. And she wants to make sure that everyone knows about them too.

If we'd let her she'd wear them to church this morning too.

She went to a birthday party yesterday and there were pink and purple cupcakes to choose from. She said she chose a pink cupcake because it was the same color as her new shoes. She obsessed with them right now.

When something is new to us we all get a little infatuated with the new thing. But, it's crazy how that new thing loses it's luster quickly. It doesn't stay clean or something else comes along. We are easily discontented.

Very few things never lose their luster. I believe when we have a relationship with God that He has a never-ending newness and because we are created in His image, people have this ability in a much smaller way as well. I don't think the second part is maybe a perfect example.

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