Starting and sputtering
Sometimes we start things and (gasp) we don't finish them. Sometimes we start things, finish them, and then never utilize them again. Sometimes we start things and we just keep them going and going.
Reading an article around podcasts got me thinking this morning.
We started a podcast a few years back. Lined up enough content for about 5 or 6 episodes and that was it. It died. It's still on Google Play, but it hasn't been touched since.
We also started a testimonials page about 6 years ago... it's still live, but hasn't been touched since then. We also created a Twitter account for a mobile marketing truck and it hasn't been tweeted from in over a year...
I say we because it was me and our marketing team. But, I'm partly responsible for the start and sputter. I think in all of these cases it's hardly a sputter and more of a stop. These things really need to just be done. I don't believe that they were failures, but they helped realize the effort that needs to happen in order to keep them going. Now, they're just a bad experience if someone stumbles across them because they haven't been updated in a really long time and they're probably confusing as well.
Where do you have things that are sputtering out? Do you need to throw a little more gas in them or do you need to take them to the dump?
Reading an article around podcasts got me thinking this morning.
We started a podcast a few years back. Lined up enough content for about 5 or 6 episodes and that was it. It died. It's still on Google Play, but it hasn't been touched since.
We also started a testimonials page about 6 years ago... it's still live, but hasn't been touched since then. We also created a Twitter account for a mobile marketing truck and it hasn't been tweeted from in over a year...
I say we because it was me and our marketing team. But, I'm partly responsible for the start and sputter. I think in all of these cases it's hardly a sputter and more of a stop. These things really need to just be done. I don't believe that they were failures, but they helped realize the effort that needs to happen in order to keep them going. Now, they're just a bad experience if someone stumbles across them because they haven't been updated in a really long time and they're probably confusing as well.
Where do you have things that are sputtering out? Do you need to throw a little more gas in them or do you need to take them to the dump?