The unexpected

What do you do when the unexpected happens?

You have plans in your mind for the day. Or you at least believe it's going to look a certain way. There are things on your calendar. A list of to-dos.

But, then you get an email... you get a phone call... someone stops by your desk or your home... you receive a text...

What do you do? How do you respond? Are you ready to help out? Or is it an inconvenience? Do you see it as an opportunity to show love? Share the gospel? Or do you have more important things for the day and you want to try to find a way to pass the person or request off to someone else? Do you think this isn't "my job" or do you think "I can do that"?

The unexpected happens a lot where I work. It also happens a lot at home. I think I respond better when it's at work then when it's at home. But why? Shouldn't I actually respond better at home... after all these little kids and my wife are my family! And their unexpected is way more important than the unexpected at work.

Things to think about.

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