Where did all my storage go?

My computer has a 1 TB hard drive, but I have less than 100 GB of storage space left.

Where did all the storage go?

At first, my answer was I don't know, but Apple has a nice way of reviewing your hard drive and it was interesting.

Applications 55 GB
Books 8 MB
Documents 514 GB
iCloud Drive 18 MB
iOS files 25 GB
iTunes 28 GB
Mail 23 GB
Messages 102 MB
Music Creation 1 GB
Photos 107 GB
System 150 GB

Total is 903 GB that's used up... Not that my computer is running super slow, but I think they're a lot of files that really could just be backed up somewhere, that I probably won't need or reference ever again.

I'm going to challenge myself to back up photos in a different way and try to clean up my Documents a lot more as well to free up more space to work.

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