The wear down

Why does a vacation with little kids feel more like a marathon? We're halfway through right now and each day is so good, but also at times it's a lot of work...

Spit up all over you, changing poopy underwear/swim diapers, tired kids that go to bed later and get up earlier, some of the biggest smiles I've ever seen, some of the cutest laughs, some of the saddest cries, learning to swim better, fun conversation late at night, wanting to get up early to have some good alone time but struggling to make it happen later in the week, walking on the beach,...

It really has been a good trip. So thankful that we can do it with our kids and my sisters' families and our parents. And yes, it is a gradual wear down over the week. Like our General Manager says at my office, "It's not a vacation, it's a trip." It's work, but it's worth it. And somehow with young kids, you still survive.

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