Dinner devotions

Within the last two weeks, we've started doing family devotions after or even before dinner instead of right before bed. Why?

It just seems like our kids tend to listen better and are more focused if we do it earlier. Typically if we read devotions right before bed, Baer can't sit still. If we do it while the kids are still eating they're at least sitting. There's also the other side in which I may have more patience with our kids if we're doing devotions earlier instead of right before bed. I can't really explain it, but something seems to happen right before bed a lot where the kids just get kind of crazy.

While on the topics of kids going to bed, another thing that has helped to wind them down is letting them pick out some books to look at before bed. I notice, especially with Baer again, a big difference between when we just put him to bed and when he gets to pick out books and look at them for a little while before he goes to bed.

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