How do you respond?

Yesterday I was at work and was prepping for some interviews when I got a call from my wife.

She said, "I can't find my wallet anywhere. Did you put it somewhere when you emptied out the groceries? Is it still in your car?"

I had about 45 minutes or so before the first interview started and I had a choice to make at this point. Would I respond lovingly? Would I choose to help? Would I figure out a way to solve her dilemma? Sure it's inconvenient and I wasn't planning on it, but how was I gonna respond?

Well, I said I'd go look in the trunk of the car and then call her back. So, I checked the trunk and found her wallet in there. So, I gave her a call and found out she needed to get gas in her car and was heading to a friend so she really needed her wallet. And I still had time to be able to meet her and get her wallet and still get back to work for the interview, so I said I can help.

Notice there's no blame in any of this? There's no shame. She didn't leave it in my car on purpose. I didn't realize it was there. I could have said, "Why don't you just carry a purse? Or, why don't you just put your wallet in the same place?" I could have blamed her... but what good would that do? I'm sure she already felt bad.

I can't say I always will or would respond in a loving way. But, yesterday God gave me the ability to extend grace to my wife. I need grace. We all need grace.

Lastly, I noticed that the day just in general was sweeter with my wife because of it. Our evening was good. She texted me and gave me a heads up of what we needed to do that evening. We communicated and that always helps me.

So when something unexpected comes up, something that you could respond in a way that's unloving because you believe, "you're in the right". How will you respond?

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