Over 25% of U.S. adults haven't read a book in a year

According to the Pew Research Center, "roughly a quarter of U.S. adults (27%) say they haven’t read a book in whole or in part in the past year, whether in print, electronic or audio form, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted Jan. 8 to Feb. 7."

The idea that adults don't read or don't read much made me think how much am I reading? I can't say that I've loved reading... not for a long time. I read books to my kids. And sometimes I'll find a book I can really get into, but I typically don't.

I've started a few books this year, but haven't finished them. So, how do I get myself back into reading? Reading can be good right? It's a way we learn. I think both my wife and I would say the same thing about reading too in that a lot of times by the time we get to the time of day when we can crack open a book and read we're ready to fall asleep. Although, I have to give my wife credit... I've seen her reading more this year than I think any other year of our marriage so far. She's checked a few books out from the library that she's made it all the way through.

But, getting back to the statistic. Realizing that people, especially adults don't read much. We'd rather swipe or watch, makes me want to challenge myself to pick up a book more often. To read more.

This month I want to pick up a book and finish it before the month is over.

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