The villain is the "system"

So, I'm home, sick today. I had other plans, but getting sick pretty much cancels everything.

Anyway, I watched two movies that I picked up the library that I had wanted to watch for a long time and I had no idea, but it was interesting how they both had similar storylines in that the villain is the "system" of the man-made computer network. They were both the kind of movies that I like where you're not sure exactly where they're going to go and even who the bad guy is. The movies where "Eagle Eye" and "I, Robot".

The other thing about them was that instead of the villain being a person it was more of a system that in both cases went out of control and had to be shut down. I had no idea they would be so similar. These two movies were both made before 2010 and at that time a.i. and machine learning wasn't anywhere as complex as they are now. I don't know how probable the storylines of computers taking over really is, but it made for some good stories.

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