Dancing on an app

What happens when you have a group of family that's all willing to participate? You have a lot of fun videos to watch that are more engaging than TV. Just not the same quality.

We've been using Marco Polo since around May of this year and I don't think I've actually skipped any video that's been posted there. And a couple days ago somehow dancing came up. I think we were having a dance party at home which we shared and then we asked my wife's cousin, Kylie, to do a dance since she's really good. So she did and then everyone else on that Marco Polo did as well including Kylie's mom and Kylie's husband.

If you can find the right people to be on a group on Marco Polo and the right things to share it can really be entertaining. And I've gotten to know some of my wife's family in ways I never thought and probably wouldn't have at our family Thanksgivings and Christmases

Nice job to the team that developed the Marco Polo app.

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