Do something with your kids today
This afternoon after church I took the kids outside and raked all the leaves in the backyard into a big pile. It took more work than just making smaller piles. We filled up a garbage can and with my kids, carried them over to the big pile. But it was worth it for them! And even though they're only 2 and 4 they helped out some.
But the best part for them was getting to jump in the big pile of leaves. And you should have seen the smiles on their faces. My son especially. He had a grin on his face the entire time he was running until he jumped in the leaves.
This was probably the highlight of my day yesterday, and most likely was for my kids too. We were only outside for about 30 minutes and it didn't take a ton of thought, just a little muscle, and patience. But it created a memory with my kids. I could have just decided I was going to do yard work and let them do whatever outside, but I want to try to do things with my kids.