Should I just do it for you?

What should I do?

I was talking to one of our sales managers yesterday about how those that sell our product have a ton on their plate and they sometimes sell more than just our product too. We have certain things we would like to see them do and those things have deadlines, but they also have things they want or need to do. And the question I asked was how do we get more of our dealers to participate?

Her response kind of took me off guard, but I think it speaks to the commitment of our sales managers. She said sometimes I just do it for them. It depends on what it is and what else they have going on. But if she feels it's really valuable for their business she'll jump right in and knock it out for them. She mentioned that she won't do that every time.

Sometimes I look at doing something for someone else when they've been asked to do it and it should be their job as enabling, but it only is if they never do it. If you do a job for someone else because it won't get done, but the next time they take it over and in the process, you helped them grow their business everyone wins. As long as you didn't make another area of your workload suffer.

So, to our sales managers. Thanks for how you approach your dealers. As their helper when they need it and you have the capabilities. Even if it's not technically your job. Ya'll rock!

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