Taking phone calls

Yesterday was a deadline. Which means that about 75% of those that were going to do something decided to do it yesterday. Along with that then comes problems. And when people get frustrated enough they call and want someone to solve their problem.

Many of the calls coming yesterday were around not be able to upload their addresses. Or that some of their addresses weren't going through our system. Some of the calls were around not being able to use the website on a phone or tablet. Most of them were somewhat frustrated because the deadline was yesterday and the wanted to participate, but they were having a hard time doing it.

The hard part for me then was taking the calls and only being able to do so much. If they were trying to do it on a phone or tablet, I had to tell them they had to use a computer. If they were having trouble with their list upload, I had to ask a bunch of questions and then the last resort was to have them send me their list and we would put their order in for them.

I kept thinking, I wish I knew how they wanted to use what we've developed. And wondering have we done a good job in teaching how to use these tools?

It made me appreciate our support team that handles issues like this on a daily basis.

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