I believe this will always be my favorite Christmas album

Andrew Peterson's Christmas album "Behold the Lamb of God" is my favorite Christmas album of all time and I don't think there will be another one in my lifetime that knocks it off the top of my list.

My wife and I watched a live performance of the album last night from Nashville. And it just made me love God's plan of salvation that much more as we trekked through the old and new testament in search of a messiah by way of song. Another thing I love about the album and the performance is that it's not about one person. Andrew has a way of allowing every artist, amazing artists, by the way, to share their gifts within the album he wrote as well as before as they all play a song or two of their own for the first half of the concert.

I love that this Christmas album makes much of Christ. It points to what we all need, a savior who will take away our sins. There's plenty of joy in the album, yet there's no feel-good Christmas classics.

So, if you're looking for an album that will stir your soul and point you to the true meaning of Christmas that starts way back before the birth of Christ and looks forward to his coming again look no further. It's the full story in song.

If you're looking for his music, check out your favorite music app or go buy it from his website here.

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