Why do my t-shirts get stretched out at the bottom?

It seems like all or at least most of my t-shirts get stretched out at the bottom and I really haven't figured out why they do. I finally did a Google search and it appears to be a thing that people experience, but I'm not sure as to why it happens to my shirts other than it sounds like it happens a lot of times to cotton shirts.

The fix is to place them in really hot water for around 5 to 10 minutes and cause the cotton to shrink back to more it's the original state. I have no idea if this will actually work and not sure if I'll try it, but it makes sense.

Eventually with wear cotton stretches out and perhaps it stretches out in different places depending on the person. I'm a fairly thin person though, so I can't really understand why my shirts tend to stretch out around the waist. The only other thing I think of is maybe how I put them on. It's a mystery.

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