Watching paint dry

There's something about painting that I loathe, but there's also something about it that I enjoy.

I'm also a perfectionist if that hasn't come out in my writings yet. Not a perfectionist in every way, but when it comes to creating, painting, making, etc. I'm a perfectionist.

So today, I painted 2 small walls with chalkboard paint. After the second coat of paint, I noticed as it was drying that it was also running/dripping. This is at least the second time that I've noticed this happening when rolling walls. And I can't figure out why. As soon as I see the paint dripping I can't bear to not keep walking over to the wall and watching to see if by some crazy miracle that the drips somehow get absorbed into the wall. But, the thing is I can't do anything about it at that point... so why keep watching the paint dry? I honestly don't know. It's better to just walk away and realize that I'll have to fix it another time.

Do you have times when you just need to let a project go?

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