How much do you make?

So one of the first questions I ask people when I meet them is, "How much do you make?" said no one ever. At least not anyone that I know.

In fact, I don't know very many people that I know well that I've asked that question to. Why is that? It's super taboo in the U.S. to ask that question and it seems like most other places in the world as well. It's seen as rude and judgemental.

I've joked before in our friend group that a fun thing to do would be to go around the room and everyone guess who makes the most money and then have every tell how much they make. Even that made the room a little uncomfortable.

But, there is something that's not uncomfortable about divulging a lot of financial information to your financial planner, banker, lender, or business partner. And I think the reason is it's for a different purpose. In order to help you make a purchase or invest the other party needs to know what you have. On the other hand, when some other person, friend or co-worker, for example, asks you how much you make, they're not trying to help you in any way they really just want to know where they're at compared to you. It's really for the other person and not for the person being asked's benefit.

So please, don't ask how much do you make in normal conversation. It's just super awkward. If you're thinking about asking... stop and think about why you need to know.

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