It looks like a professional did it

Has anyone ever told you, "Wow, that's good! It looks like a professional did it."?

Was it about something you do for a living?

It's happened to me many times. And this is a little bit of a rant, but if what is being claimed looking like what a professional would do is actually what you do for a living then it's kind of a backhanded compliment. Because I take it as wow I'm impressed with what you did, but I don't consider you a professional. I would say you are a professional in the field in which you work. You may not be the top of your field, but you're in it.

So, next time you're complimenting someone on their work. Just say, "Wow, that's good!" or something else like that. Don't say, "Looks like a professional did it." Because a professional probably did it.

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