Thanks for teaching me Paul

I remember very vividly a moment early on in my career at Precision Planting. I came from the advertising agency industry and knew very little about farming at all. In fact, I didn't even know how many ears you want to have on a corn stalk. By the way, the answer is one.

But Paul (one of our product support guys) took me outside when I started asking him some questions around farming and walked me over to a field behind our building and begin teaching me about a corn plant. Things like where the corn ear typically is on the stalk. What the names of the different stages of the plant are. What the names of the different roots are. He even dug up a plant to teach me about how far down the seed will be. It was mostly over my head at the time, but it was a start to understanding why we do what we do as a company. And it speaks to the kind of people that work for Precision Planting.

The kind of people that will stop what they're doing and teach someone who doesn't know a thing. And not just teach them, but take them out to the field and show them.

Thanks Paul. Keep doing what you're doing.

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