The quiet of the early morning

Sitting here on the couch this morning and thinking what should I write about? Staring at a blank page. Again lots of thoughts race through my head and as I keep thinking my mind just goes back to the peacefulness of the early morning where everyone is still sleeping. I have a hot coffee beside me. Blanket to stay warm. Laptop on my lap. Not a sound at all other than sound machines of in the distance in our kid's rooms. There's one lamp on.

I enjoy this time. Time to spend a little time reading the bible. Reading a blog. Writing my blog. Thinking about the day that's starting.

God, before my family wakes up, prepare my heart for this day. Help me to love my kids. Help me to help my wife. I pray we could have a weekend filled with joy and peace. Help me to use my time wisely, not selfishly. Give me patience. Help me to think of others, not myself.

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