Using what you own to own more

It's not the way I typically think, but it works as long as you work to pay off what you borrow from what you already own quickly.

I've taken a loan out on my car before to pay for some renovation work on our home. And we're working on taking a loan out on our home now to pay for part of a down payment on a vacation rental property. I believe it's also a good way to just have some extra cash available if something happens and you need it, as long as your intentions are to pay it off quickly because you have the interest that you also will pay on what you've borrowed.

I'm not one to get really excited about debt. We've been debt-free for a while. But, if you can borrow for a short time and know that what you're borrowing it for, in this case, a vacation rental, will pay you enough back to cover what you've borrowed and you'll be making money on it, I say consider it.

This is just the start of a totally new journey for us. I'll probably know a lot more by the end of the year and even in another month. We'll see what we learn. We're excited.

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