Do you just want "good" kids?

Yes. I want my kids to be "good" kids. But, the problem is if that's all I want it's possible that they become really good Pharisees. What I mean by this is that they obey all the rules that my wife and I enforce, but they don't do it because they love Jesus. They only do it because they want to look good.

The reason I want "good" kids is really that they're easier for me. I don't have to have as many conversations about why they did something bad. I don't have to discipline them in some way. If they're being "good" I can spend my time doing what I want to do.

But, there's little opportunity to teach a child whose "good". A kid that "has it all together" doesn't need a Savior. Plus, no kid has it all figured out. So, I was challenged last night to not desire kids that do things the way I want them to. Instead to desire many little moments where their sin can show up and my wife and I can come alongside them and point them to Jesus. To show them they need Jesus. To also expose to them our sin and our need for Jesus as well. To share with them it's ok to not be perfect and to say I'm a safe place to come to talk about times when you know you've sinned and we can go to Jesus together.

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