Everybody is on Zoom


I'd never heard of it until about a year ago when one of our clients we work with started using it. And since then I've loved it. And our company has incorporated it into all of our meeting rooms and we use it all the time now as we moved to work from home.

But, I'm not the only one. They've seen crazy growth. My parents have used it now. My sisters. My Aunt Barb even... she's in her mid-70s.

I think it's just easy to use and it works well. I know they've experienced some issues in the last few weeks due to the huge success on their video conferencing platform with "zoombombing", where people jump on a call that is supposed to be private and they are working through those privacy challenges. But it seems like they're really doing it well in general. They have to have a huge percentage of the market today compared to Skype, Hangouts, and WebEx.

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