My kids

My kids are 4, 3, and 11 months.

The older two have heard the word Coronavirus many times and in some ways understand what is going on, but yet they still don't totally get it. They know that we aren't going places like we used to. We're pretty much at home, other than me going to my in-law's basement to work. I typically have been coming home for lunch with my family. It's just so different.

We talk to our neighbors from 6 feet away right away. We ask questions like, "Are you still working?" and "How's your family doing?" and "How are you doing with your kids' e-learning?"

I look at my kids with different eyes right now. I think, our world may never be quite the same as it was before. Will that be a good thing? My wife says it's all kind of depressing. The news just talks about the virus 24/7. Talking about what the government is doing. What healthcare is doing. How many cases there are now.

This all makes me want to treasure my kids more. And to teach them gospel daily. I'm torn between keeping going with my job from my in-law's basement, understanding the implications of this virus, daily life, and caring for my family. It can be a little challenging.

God, we need you. My kids' need you. My wife needs you. Our neighbors need you. We always have. We always will. As we have less freedom to move around right now, help us take time to spend with You. Help us not to worry. Help us to be wise. Help us to look for your kingdom to come. Help us to share that with those around us.

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