Riding a bike at 4

Well, I wasn't planning on it. No one was yesterday. We didn't even have the bike until this weekend.

My neighbor across the street asked me this weekend if I would want to borrow their beginner bike for our son because he thought my son was doing awesome on his balance bike. So I said sure. But, my daughter had other plans. She's a little older than my son and has been practicing on his balance bike and her bigger bike with training wheels.

So yesterday, my daughter decided that she wanted to try this smaller pedal bike with no training wheels and within a matter of about 30 minutes she was riding a bike! It was a super proud moment for me filled with a lot of running beside her and encouraging words. And she was stoked. So much so we had to show her grandparents and all she wanted to do the rest of the evening was ride that bike.

Thank you Ben and Sarah Hawkins.

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